Why you should come to a lunch and learn @ the Generator

29 June 2021

4 business people around a table at Gympie lunch and learn

The Generator’s Lunch and Learn program is a regular short training session that takes place at our coworking space or online, during your lunchtime. Hear from various experts to learn something new to help you grow your business or startup.

Who should attend Lunch and Learn?

  • Anyone who is interested in the topic. Look at the event calendar and choose from the topics and speakers on offer.
  • People who are looking to start or grow a business and looking for business help and support.
  • If you are looking to network with other businesspeople but not sure where to start. This is a great way to meet people and practice introducing yourself in a safe space.
  • If you are new in town or curious about our coworking space and want to have a look. Come in and check it out for yourself.
  • Anyone who is looking for something to do during lunchtime. If you happen to be around, pop in and learn something. The door is open.

The sessions are held in Bundaberg, Gympie or online. Check the specific event information and RSVP your spot. Bring Your Own lunch.

Have you got any suggestions for topics or speakers? Would you like to speak at our events? Please get in touch.

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