Tick Personality Profiles
Tick Personality Profiles
- To run a business, lead a team or educate students, you first need to understand people. In any given situation two people can, and probably will, respond differently. This is thanks to our personalities.
- But as a teacher, careers counsellor, HR manager or CEO, this can be a challenge. In teams, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. The same goes for the classroom. A personality-driven method is needed and we’ve got the resources to help you implement this.
- Tick has categorised millions of personalities into four distinct ‘birds’ – the eagle, peacock, owl and dove. The Tick Personality Profiles, created by legendary speaker and consultant, Des Hunt, have been used in sales training, personal coaching, conflict resolution, career development and personal relationships.
- By using Tick, you can learn more about yourself (and others), then use it to make better decisions and generate the results you want.
Some of the many applications for the Tick materials are:
- In Business – Sales/Leadership/Customer Service Training
- In Schools – Career development / Mentoring programs / Staff Development days
- At Universities – Career development / Mentoring programs / in Academic programs / staff development
- For Training Companies – Any sort of Communication training / Conflict Management training
- For individuals – self-awareness and career guidance
Tick personality profiles
Motivated by Authority and
Wants to have the control and the freedom to get results. Wants to be the boss.
Motivated by Popularity and Applause
Wants to be recognised, thanked and applauded for who they are and what they can do. Wants to be the centre of attention.
Motivated by the Security of Facts and Systems
Wants to work and live within structures and laid down procedures. Wants to be right.
Motivated by the Security of Belonging
Wants to be supportive and appreciated as an important member of the team. Wants friendship, approval and to be loved.
Interested in learning more?
Why not try one of the personality profile options below
After you purchase your Tick Personality Profile test, you will be contacted by Regional Business HQ to issue you with your unique Tick code.
Tick Personality Profile
The Tick Standard Personality Profile Questionnaire can provide you with an understanding of your personality type.
It’s quick and easy to do. In less than 10 minutes you will discover:
- Your natural skills and talents
- Your natural strengths and weaknesses
- How to see yourself as others see you
- How you react under pressure
- Coaching tips for your personal development
If you answer the questions honestly you will receive a PDF file, emailed to you, giving you a better understanding of yourself. It will give you a summary of the way you are as a person. This report will be a 6-8 page document.
Find out more about Tick Personality Profiles
$55.00 inc. GST
Tick Personality Profile (Premium)
The Tick Premium Personality Profile Questionnaire is Tick’s most detailed Profiling Tool, which will provide you with a ‘workbook type’ report for you to read. It will provide an understanding of your personality type as well as sections of interacting with others in many different situations.
The Premium Personality Profile is a 25-30 page document covering the 3 areas – All about You, Development with Others, the 16 Main Styles
Section 1 – All About You
- Summary of your Profile
- Graph of your scores
- Your Personality and Natural Leadership style
- Your Personality and Natural Team Roles
- Your Personality and Time Management
- Your Personality as a Sales Person
- Natural Jobs for your Personality
Section 2 – Development With Others
- Motivating the different styles
- Leading the Different styles
- Managing the Different styles
- Coaching the Different Styles
Section 3 – The 16 Main Styles
- At a quick glance – a tabled summary
To be purchased singularly or as a group (bulk group purchase includes discounted price)
Find out more about Tick Personality Profiles
$110.00 inc. GST
Tick Personality Profile – JobFit
The Tick Jobfit Profile is an online tool, perfect for Recruitment Consultants, HR Managers, Career Advisers, VET Co-ordinators, School Leavers and Job Seekers.
It’s quick and easy to do. In less than 10 minutes you will discover:
- A summary of what makes you Tick
- A list of your natural skills
- Natural Working Environments
- Working Environments to Avoid
- Some suggested vocations to explore
The Jobfit Reports can be helpful in guiding and assisting you in finding a work environment that is suitable for you, or in helping you to choose a vocation which you should not only excel at but also enjoy doing.
If you answer the questions honestly you will receive a PDF file, emailed to you, giving you a better understanding of yourself and the working environments that you could be suited to. This report will be a 6-8 page document.
Find out more about Tick Personality Profiles
$55.00 inc. GST
Regional Business HQ is trained and licensed to deliver Tick Personality Workshops. For more information, visit the Tick website.
Tick personality profiles © 2021 Tick. All Rights Reserved. design by the apricot principle & enee.