Top reasons why coworking spaces are in high demand

10 February 2022

A group of coworkers around a desk

Until recently, not many people were familiar with the term ‘coworking’ but now, in 2022, it is regularly mentioned, and with good reason.

So why are coworking spaces becoming more popular when people have the option to work from home?

Here are the top 4 reasons why people are choosing to co-work:

1. Be happy

Working from the home office can get boring and stuffy. The human brain likes change and craves social connection. Many of our members choose to work from our space to get out of the house, focus on the job and meet like-minded people. Seeing a familiar face every day can help with mental health.

2. Be productive

Coworking spaces are the perfect place to knuckle down and complete some tasks without worrying about house related chores and other distractions. Fees include tea and coffee, aircon, Wi-Fi and maintenance of the facilities. You don’t have to worry about cleaning the bathroom or doing that load of washing.

3. Be professional

Coworking spaces provide a safe, neutral and professional venue for meeting clients and associates. In our centrally located spaces, we have private areas for business meetings. Plan to have your meetings while you are at the coworking space.

4. Be innovative

When working in an open office environment, ideas can pop up and spark your imagination. It is easy to brainstorm with other people and this leads to innovative collaborations. We facilitate multiple opportunities for networking and collaboration. We also offer workshops and events to support your professional development.

Why go it alone? Coworking is a supportive, collaborative environment that supports innovation and productivity.

The best bit? Coworking spaces are usually flexible, offering a once-off day pass through to ongoing memberships at various levels. If you want to give coworking a try, get in touch to discuss the possibilities.

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