Tick Personality Profile – JobFit

The Tick Jobfit Profile is an online tool, perfect for Recruitment Consultants, HR Managers, Career Advisers, VET Co-ordinators, School Leavers and Job Seekers.

It’s quick and easy to do. In less than 10 minutes you will discover:

  • A summary of what makes you Tick
  • A list of your natural skills
  • Natural Working Environments
  • Working Environments to Avoid
  • Some suggested vocations to explore

The Jobfit Reports can be helpful in guiding and assisting you in finding a work environment that is suitable for you, or in helping you to choose a vocation which you should not only excel at but also enjoy doing.

If you answer the questions honestly you will receive a PDF file, emailed to you, giving you a better understanding of yourself and the working environments that you could be suited to. This report will be a 6-8 page document.

Find out more about Tick Personality Profiles

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